Ella is one year old and starting her second year hear in this little place called Earth. I am so excited about all the things she will experience this year. We recently celebrated her birthday with family and I would like to share a few tips I learned when throwing a birthday party.
1. try to purchase way in advance things like fruits and vegetables. I even bought pre-cut veggies. It saves time and frustration during those few prep hours we have.
2. clean the day or two days before. All you will need to do the day of is a wipe down and possible a floor check.
3. buy a plain 1/2 sheet cake with white icing only from your local grocery. cut and layer and decorate or let the birthday girl/boy and friends decorate as part of the fun.
4. have friends and family take the pictures so you dont have to see your child's birthday through a lens. You will end up with 3 times the pictures from different angles.
5. take your child a few days earlier to a park or zoo and take their one year pics. have copies made or make the pics into a slideshow as gifts for the grandparents or friends.
6. keep it moving. although you want to cherish these moments, others may have other commitments so keep the cake, presents, picture taking and eating going.
7. buy those wide mouth mason jars and lots of candy, fruit or whatever available for the quests. Tell them to fill in layers and it can be their party favor.
8. have the party between 2- 4. this way you do not need large meal just little snacks. Not too many either. 2-3 should be enough with two drink choices. Water would be the third option
9. Dont run around like a chicken with its head cut off. Enjoy it! Let OTHERS help and try not to rush to clean either.
10. I gave out books for everyone to fill out. (those blank ones you get with 20 or so pages) One to the grandparents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, one for me and one for dad. they can write stories of things that happened to them or with the birthday boy/girl, Mom and Dad or just simply cut and paste pics into it. I bought them at the dollar tree so very inexpensive but a great treasure for Ella later.
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