I am a full time wife, mom, friend, daughter, and teacher. I have fun and creative ideas to help others enjoy the time they spend with the people they love. It all starts by loving God and doing all things as if you are doing them for Him. Why not make God smile.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Mama - Is that you?

I picked up Ella early this morning from Grandma's house. I was so overwhelmed to see her. She looked so small and sweet. She has new teeth, too. Amazing what a week can bring.
I know she had lots of fun with Grandma and Grandpa but I am so glad to have her home. She is such a happy baby. I am such a blessed woman.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Brusha, Brusha, Brusha!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Noah's Arc?

Did you know God closed the door seven days prior to the flood? Did you know it took Noah 120 years to build this boat? He trusted God so much he suffered more than a lifetime of ours in jokes and persecution from his community. Did you know there was no rain on earth before the flood? Did you know there were seven male and female of clean animals and 2 of every unclean animals?
I still think most believers have not read the Bible from cover to cover. I have not. I am on a mission. I am going to finish reading the Bible by Ella's birthday next year. I will read it like this every year. I want to know the true stories. They are much more interesting than the version we were told in Sunday school. - Don't you think?
Pillowcase Dress

This is the pillowcase dress I made for Ella on her birthday. This was my first attempt and now I am a little better at it. I know to use thicker ribbon and hem. Also, I stitched the ribbon ends of the dress after gathering- Don't do this. As your child grows so can the dress if you leave it open.
I was told about these dresses by my friend Angie. These dresses run anywhere from $20-$50. Crazy to think somebody took a two dollar pillow case and a two dollar roll of ribbon and made forty six dollars. Even if you can not sew you can make one of these dresses. If you can sew a straight stitch even better. You don't have to have a pillowcase, just take a little bit of fabric and sew or iron stick the two sides. If using a pillow case cut the closed edge. Then take your fabric and fold left side to right side and cut a half U shape for the arms. Unfold and make a hem along the bottom if you are not using a pillowcase. It looks best to me when the hem is about 3inches or thicker. The most detailed part is simply placing ribbon on the top and gathering.
Take the first side of fabric and fold down over the ribbon. Sew or iron stitch the ribbon inside the fold. Make sure not to sew onto the ribbon. You will do the other side the same way. Gather the front and back and tie a bow at the shoulders.
You can paint or stitch onto the front. If you know how, you could embroider your child's initials onto the front. Take it to a shop and have them do it for $8. You still will come out cheaper than buying one. Hope I saved you some MOOLA. :)
Monday, May 21, 2007
Gifts for Daniel Allen

I painted some onesies for my sister's baby. He is due in a
few weeks. I cant wait to hold him and love on him. I
know he will be beautiful and spoiled rotten. His nana
has been waiting a long time for a baby boy to spoil.
If you are interested in something painted. Just send me an email with all the info. delcampmom@gmail.com
How to make a Diaper Cake

You can make these cute additions to baby showers for under $20, or you can pay about $50 at a gift shop. Simple roll the diapers and rubberband the center, then rubberband the tiers together. Make three tiers with the largest at the bottom, medium in the center and smallest on top. Depending on the size you want the cake to be is how many diapers you will need. Once you have all the tiers in place take ribbon to cover up the rubberbands. Tie bibs, pacifiers, bottles, stuffed animals, or rattles on the cake with ribbon. So easy and so cute!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Bye, Bye, Mama
Bye, Bye, Mama

Those words hurt for some reason. I love my Ella Bella very much and love spending time with her. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy need time together too, so Grandma comes and saves the day. Ella loves Grandma Tishy. HEHEE She pushed me out of the way to get to her. Oh well I know Grandma takes excellent care of her - she is a pediatric nurse.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Ready for the pool, Mama.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Framed Chalkboards
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
My Bestest Friend - DEB!
My Bestest Friend
By Myndall Delcamp
I have this friend who's really cool
Very beautiful, but is nobody's fool.
She drives a Harley and can wear a high heel
She is very creative and loves to find a deal.
Married a lawyer and owns her own business
Has a great tan and keeps up with the fitness
Long dark hair and freakish green eyes
Got it together even blessed with small thighs.
Deb is so very special I love her bunches
She puts up with me and rolled with the punches.
Always has something nice to say
even if she has had a very very bad day.
My bestest friend is almost my total opposite
She's crazy cool and I have a Walmart closet
But that is why we match so well
Even our husbands say they can tell.
Bestest friends are not so easy to find
They move away, slowly dwindle over time
But this bestest friend has been there
3 states, marriage, baby and all the family affairs.
Deb if youre reading this and I know you are
Just wanted to say I love you near and far
Respect you and will always hold you dear
I'll always be your bestest friend........ cry, sniffle, tear
Miss you bestest friend.
By Myndall Delcamp
I have this friend who's really cool
Very beautiful, but is nobody's fool.
She drives a Harley and can wear a high heel
She is very creative and loves to find a deal.
Married a lawyer and owns her own business
Has a great tan and keeps up with the fitness
Long dark hair and freakish green eyes
Got it together even blessed with small thighs.
Deb is so very special I love her bunches
She puts up with me and rolled with the punches.
Always has something nice to say
even if she has had a very very bad day.
My bestest friend is almost my total opposite
She's crazy cool and I have a Walmart closet
But that is why we match so well
Even our husbands say they can tell.
Bestest friends are not so easy to find
They move away, slowly dwindle over time
But this bestest friend has been there
3 states, marriage, baby and all the family affairs.
Deb if youre reading this and I know you are
Just wanted to say I love you near and far
Respect you and will always hold you dear
I'll always be your bestest friend........ cry, sniffle, tear
Miss you bestest friend.
Monday, May 14, 2007
A Way to Stay Busy

I am painting now too. I am taking mostly childrens' books and doing a painting from those books onto a canvas. If you are interested in me doing something like this for you, let me know. Delcampmom@gmail.com
Here is one I did from Jane Brett's _The Umbrella_
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Brand New Year

Ella is one year old and starting her second year hear in this little place called Earth. I am so excited about all the things she will experience this year. We recently celebrated her birthday with family and I would like to share a few tips I learned when throwing a birthday party.
1. try to purchase way in advance things like fruits and vegetables. I even bought pre-cut veggies. It saves time and frustration during those few prep hours we have.
2. clean the day or two days before. All you will need to do the day of is a wipe down and possible a floor check.
3. buy a plain 1/2 sheet cake with white icing only from your local grocery. cut and layer and decorate or let the birthday girl/boy and friends decorate as part of the fun.
4. have friends and family take the pictures so you dont have to see your child's birthday through a lens. You will end up with 3 times the pictures from different angles.
5. take your child a few days earlier to a park or zoo and take their one year pics. have copies made or make the pics into a slideshow as gifts for the grandparents or friends.
6. keep it moving. although you want to cherish these moments, others may have other commitments so keep the cake, presents, picture taking and eating going.
7. buy those wide mouth mason jars and lots of candy, fruit or whatever available for the quests. Tell them to fill in layers and it can be their party favor.
8. have the party between 2- 4. this way you do not need large meal just little snacks. Not too many either. 2-3 should be enough with two drink choices. Water would be the third option
9. Dont run around like a chicken with its head cut off. Enjoy it! Let OTHERS help and try not to rush to clean either.
10. I gave out books for everyone to fill out. (those blank ones you get with 20 or so pages) One to the grandparents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, one for me and one for dad. they can write stories of things that happened to them or with the birthday boy/girl, Mom and Dad or just simply cut and paste pics into it. I bought them at the dollar tree so very inexpensive but a great treasure for Ella later.
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